Betrayed by a Double-Dealing Lover: A Dream of Broken Promises and Hidden Affections

A dream where I was waiting for my boyfriend to call me firm up our plans about getting together later that evening. I finally give him a call and he says that he thinks his (other) girlfriend misses him so he’s going to try and see her. This is a girl who ge was sort of with before we started dating and never told he got a girlfriends and never broke things off with her. He didn’t even want her, as favored me, but he didn’t want to hurt her feelings so he kept it going. I knew of her and this situation the entire time had been going a long with it up until this moment. As we were talking on the phone and he told me that he’s actually not going to keep our plans because he felt bad that he hadn’t seen his other girlfriend in a long time and said he should probably see her since she’s asking to see him that night. I blurted out “well she’s not even your girlfriend and you made plans with me.” I was upset that he was entertaining this relationship he didn’t even want and prioritizing it over me.
This dream may reflect your feelings of insecurity and a fear of losing your romantic partner. The dream could be a manifestation of your doubts about the strength of your relationship with your boyfriend. The fact that there is another girlfriend in the dream also adds to the potential uncertainty you may feel about your position in your boyfriend's life. It's possible that this dream is a warning of sorts, telling you to confront your fears and insecurities in your relationship so that you can work together to build a more secure and fulfilling connection.